As I've posted previously, I really do love New Hampshire! It is beautiful and peaceful, but right this minute I'm glad I'm in Virginia. Haven't talked with the hubby tonight but I think it's been snowing quite a bit today. We drove to Virginia on Tuesday - started out with snow in our area, then changed to rain for most of the rest of the drive, and then when it finally stopped raining we had BIG traffic. So the 11 hour day turned into 13+ hours of driving. Our behinds were definitely numb by the time we arrived here at the hotel. But after the set up (don't even want to tell you all about this except to say it took 10 hours) we've had a great time here. Still 2 more days to go, but everyone has been so nice and complimentary. We've heard over and over again how much everyone loves our goodies and we're their favorite booth. So thanks to all for your kind words. It really does make it all worth it for us!
Now it's off to the room to make a quick call to home and then I've got to find the ice machine. The knees are not what they used to be and I think they are needed a little ice to make them happy. If you're near Hampton, VA stop by and tell us hello. We're here until Monday morning. Mary Jane